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Planning to film  

in Monterey?

We are experienced filmmakers with complete knowledge of what a foreign film and TV production needs. We provide high quality production services.  Let us be your local producer, we are ready to shoot!

What we do.

Casa productora en monterrey

Institutional | Corporate

We develop videos for companies:  institutional and corporate, induction videos, training,  security and promotional with the highest quality audiovisual technique.


Production Services

Relax! We put together your production. We are excited to collaborate  with other houses  producers, companies,  communication or advertising agencies.


Commercials | Advertising spots

Our creatives have incredible ideas to produce commercials, spots,  content for digital media and  video clips.

Our creatives have incredible ideas to produce commercials, spots,  content for digital media and  video clips.

What we do.

Producción multimedia, grabación de videos institucionales, videos corporativos, inducción, capacitación, videos de productos y videos de servicios, tutoriales. 

We develop videos for companies: corporate, training, safety and promotionals with high quality visual techniques.  Read more...

Servicios de producción para agencias de publicidad, casas productoras,  contratación de personal de producción, grabación de acuerdo a especificaciones, casting, videógrafo, 

Relax and leave it in our hands. We  collaborate with production companies, advertising or branding  agencies. You create and we produce!  Read more..

Producción de comerciales, spots publicitarios, infomerciales, cineminutos, videos promocionales.

Our creatives have great ideas to produce commercials, spots, social media content and music videos.   Read more...

marketing contenido digital monterrey

Social Media |


No matter if it's vertical,  horizontal or a square  format, we create the storytelling and the perfect content for your followers in any social network.

Producción de videoclips, videos musicales, conciertos, elaboración de lyric videos, documentales musicales. 

Music Video

Music is the perfect vehicle for storytelling and where the audience is open to find a connection with a song and images to create a link with their mind and feelings.

Filmación de películas, documentales, largometrajes, cortometrajes, video homes, producción, realización y grabación de series, mini series, reality TV, entrevistas.

Our experience creating films during  more than 12 years, has established us as an important film production company in northern Mexico, producing documentaries, films, series and streaming content. Read more...

Watch our showreel

About Us.

TR3SK we pronounce it as:  ('three)[ka]

It can be  referred  to a river located in the Republic of Macedonia called Treska, to the UHD video technology known as 3K, but also a pun  to name three passionate filmmakers.

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"The assembly"

Nuevo León Film Promotion Fund (PROMOCINE) | TR3SK Films | Voladero Films

Our Process.


We turn your idea into a story.

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We film it.


We combine the images  to create eye catching content for your clients.

From the idea to the final delivery, we take care of  the smallest detail of your project  catching  the audience of your brand in any media.

We've collaborated with:

Casa Productora en Monterrey
Video de seguridad monterrey
Video corporativo monterrey
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video de capacitacion monterey
video de producto monterrey
casa productora de comerciales
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Video institucional monterrey
produccion de comerciales monterrey
produccion audiovisual monterrey
produccion de video montere

Contact us.

Production House  TR3SK Films, SA de CV

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico    

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